Refugee Receives Help in Obtaining Citizenship

I fled Vietnam as a refugee with my family in 1985. When my mother became ill, I used all of my savings to travel to Vietnam to help care for her.

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ABA Model Rule 6.1 Voluntary Pro Bono Publico Service Opens in a new window

  • Every lawyer has a professional responsibility to provide legal services to those unable to pay.  A lawyer should aspire to render at least (50) hours of pro bono publico legal services per year. Because the provision of pro bono services is a professional responsibility, it is the individual ethical commitment of each lawyer. Nevertheless, there may be times when it is not feasible for a lawyer to engage in pro bono services. At such times a lawyer may discharge the pro bono responsibility by providing financial support to organizations providing free legal services to persons of limited means. Such financial support should be reasonably equivalent to the value of the hours of service that would have otherwise been provided.

Pro Bono Match Opens in a new window

  • Probonomatch.org, a partnership of the Santa Clara County Bar Association and SVCLS, helps lawyers help those who would not otherwise have access to legal representation, and serves as a clearinghouse for pro bono opportunities.

The State Bar of California, Access to Justice Opens in a new window

  • Find reports authored by the California Commission on Access to Justice California and useful links, if you are in individual seeking free or low cost legal assistance or self-help resources.

Santa Clara County Pro Bono Initiative Opens in a new window

  • The Santa Clara County Bar Association Board of Trustees in 2005 passed a resolution setting goals for pro bono service for SCCBA members. The SCCBA encourages its members to adopt these goals by signing the individual lawyer and/or law firm SCCBA Pro Bono Initiative Pledge.

ABA Center for Pro Bono Opens in a new window

  • The ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service is the national source of information, resources and assistance to support, facilitate, and expand the delivery of pro bono legal assistance. The Standing Committee and its project, the Center for Pro Bono, encourage lawyers to do pro bono work and help them connect with opportunities that meet their needs. Our programs, projects and services help pro bono programs, advocates, and policymakers address the legal needs of the poor.

Center for Pro Bono Clearinghouse Opens in a new window

  • The Center for Pro Bono maintains an extensive clearinghouse library of over 4,000 documents (articles, reports, studies and news clippings) pertaining to pro bono related matters with a focus on pro bono program management. Each document is summarized and recorded in the Clearinghouse database, which is now searchable from the web.

Association of Corporate Counsel: Extending In-House Expertise To Communities In Need Opens in a new window

  • The strengths and talents of the in-house community are in high demand. Pro bono practice opportunities provide benefits to everyone: enriching communities while raising personal satisfaction, internal corporate culture, and legal department morale.

Corporate Pro Bono (CPBO) Opens in a new window

  • Corporate Pro Bono was created as a national partnership between the ACC and the Pro Bono Institute to assist in-house counsel who want to establish or improve their legal departments' pro bono efforts. Our groundbreaking work has literally changed the face of in-house pro bono programs, creating a pro bono culture in the in-house bar that's never been seen before.

Volunteer Center of Silicon Valley Opens in a new window

  • The Volunteer Center of Silicon Valley is committed to connecting volunteers with community needs and promoting volunteerism in Santa Clara County. The Volunteer Center works with individuals, businesses, non-profit agencies, school and government organizations to help address community needs.