The Next Step.
If you've already donated to THE CAMPAIGN for Legal Services, you're probably ready to step up to hands-on involvement. Consider chairing a CAMPAIGN fundraiser, such as our annual Bocce Ball Tournament, joining our Amicus Committee, or volunteering with SCCBA We are in particular need of bilingual volunteers. Legal experience is not necessary. Consider listing your skills in our volunteer database.
Discover what your colleagues and neighbors have found-that involvement with SVCLS improves the lives of those at most risk in our community. When they do better, we all do better.
Learn more how you can participate:
Amicus Committee
The Amicus Committee is a dynamic group of young lawyers dedicated to building a new generation of enthusiasm and financial support for the legal services agencies serving Silicon Valley. The Amicus Committee provides visibility for and support of THE CAMPAIGN for Legal Services within law firms, corporations and government agencies, and hosts social and networking events throughout the year, including its popular Bocce Ball Tournament and Mixers. The Committee aims to start a new tradition with the launch of the Associates' Campaign.
Pro Bono Day SV 2018
- Be a Superstar for Justice. Pro Bono Day SV
2015 was a big success and will be even better in 2018. Come learn
how to earn your cape and be a Superhero for those in need of
quality legal representation. Attend Pro Bono Day SV 2018!
In one location
and on one day
you can earn up to 3.0 MCLE; hear legal services leaders from
eight Silicon Valley-based providers profile their agencies; gain
insight into Elimination of Bias and working with low-income
clients, learn content you need to assist individuals with
meritorious cases, grow your network of contacts and volunteer to
make a difference.
Volunteer with The Campaign-Sponsored Agencies
- There is a great need for volunteers at the legal services
agencies THE CAMPAIGN supports. Our agencies need assistance from
attorneys, paralegals and other professionals in the areas of legal
representation, in-take, administrative support, event support and
management, and real estate acquisition. If you are interested,
please email us at:
There is an acute need for bilingual attorneys and volunteers. The communities we serve speak more than three dozen different languages. Several hours of your time can make a huge difference for a client or family in need. If you are interested, please email us at:
Training Opportunities
- Many of the agencies THE CAMPAIGN for Legal Services supports offer training opportunities for attorneys interested in getting involved in the provision of pro bono. From Housing issues to Domestic Violence, Guardianship and Family Law, as well as Consumer, Bankruptcy, Immigration and Employment Law training.
- SCCBA provides a searchable database for attorneys to find pro bono opportunities with local legal service providers. is a project of the Santa Clara County Bar Association as part of its Pro Bono Initiative: Helping Lawyers Help Others. THE CAMPAIGN for Legal Services is a partner in the Pro Bono Match project with Fenwick & West; Intel, Inc.; Hewlett Packard and several others.
Model Rule 6.1 Voluntary Pro Bono Publico Service 
- Every lawyer has a professional responsibility to provide legal services to those unable to pay. A lawyer should aspire to render at least (50) hours of pro bono publico legal services per year. Because the provision of pro bono services is a professional responsibility, it is the individual ethical commitment of each lawyer. Nevertheless, there may be times when it is not feasible for a lawyer to engage in pro bono services. At such times a lawyer may discharge the pro bono responsibility by providing financial support to organizations providing free legal services to persons of limited means. Such financial support should be reasonably equivalent to the value of the hours of service that would have otherwise been provided.