Woman Receives Help in Dealing with Identity Theft

I didn't know much English and was employed as a domestic worker when I discovered someone had stolen my credit card number and charged all sorts of expenses.

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Recognized as a Top Funding Model


Last year, THE CAMPAIGN for Legal Services awarded nearly $400,000 in grants, allowing 39,000 at-risk residents to receive critical legal assistance.  But we are only meeting a fraction of the need.  More than 500,000 county residents-30 percent of our population-qualify for special help due to income, age, or disability.

THE CAMPAIGN was formed in 1999 by a group of attorneys who noted that Silicon Valley fell far behind other communities when it came to per capita legal assistance, even though Silicon Valley is one of the wealthiest areas in the state.  Our goal since then has been to augment giving to legal services in our community in the most cost-effective manner possible.

The agencies that serve the legal needs of the poor cannot meet their budgets without our help.  In the last two years, the eight agencies we fund had a combined 64 percent decrease in funding from the federal government, foundations and public agencies.  Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts (IOLTA) funding falls as interest rates decline.  And the current economic crisis has further strained scarce resources.

THE CAMPAIGN for Legal Services has been influential in maintaining county support for legal services providers, but the need is greater than ever.

As a 501(c)(3) organization, we are honored to have been recognized by the American Bar Association as a model for legal services funding.  Our support allows legal aid groups to concentrate on clients, not fundraising.  Initially, our funding came primarily from those in the legal profession.  Increasingly, we tap into a broad range of donors.  Our supporters represent nearly every profession and walk of life.  With your support through The Campaign, the agencies we support can focus on what they do best-provide legal services to those who dearly deserve representation.

If those at risk are in crisis, county services are strained.  When residents' needs can be solved with proper legal assistance, our community functions better, for all of us.

To learn more, contact a board member, or member of our General Counsel Committee.